Welcome to the new face of PCA!
29 February 2024
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new website.
Our new website is more than just a fresh look - it is a new platform that will enable us to deliver better content and services to you, our valued users and partners.
The new website will give you easy and convenient access to all PCA content, like the well-known library content PCA already have made available for you over many years. Whether you are looking for the PCA RDL, the PLM RDL, IDO or ISO 15926-4, you will find them all through our new website.
Our libraries are accessible through the new site today, and will be updated and migrated to our upgraded platform in the coming months.
This will allow us to offer you more features, such as faster loading, better search, improved user experience and interactive tools and services.
The new website will as mentioned above, be the platform to offer new tools and services. These tools and services will e.g help you create and use library content as well as build and use IMF-types. You will also be able to interact with other PCA members, experts, and partners.
We hope you enjoy the new website and find it useful and informative. We welcome your feedback and suggestions on how we can improve it further. Please contact us at info@posccaesar.org or use the contact form on our website.
Thank you for your continued support and trust in PCA. We look forward to serving you better with our new website.